By your Fitness Trainers at Century Fitness
Hey, how’s your metabolism running these days? You can be pretty sure no-one is asking about this very complex body function. Just as likely, you probably don’t know yourself unless you have a sports training lab at your disposal. Maybe it’s just time to say…”hey, I’m doing my workouts and eating sensibly, so it’s probably revved up and I’m not worried it about any more”… maybe.
Metabolism is the conversion of food to energy your body needs. Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a resting and fasting rate that measures the minimum calories needed for body functions and a balanced metabolism. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the minimum number of calories needed just for your most basic, yet vital body functions such as your heart beating, respiration, circulation, etc.
There is an accepted formula that can estimate your BMR based on your body composition, which is lean body mass versus fat. Once you estimate your BMR you would then you add in the number of calories you tend to burn in a day based on your work-life, activity, and exercise. Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) quantifies the number of calories you burn in a day. This measure is best estimated by scaling your Basal Metabolic Rate to your level of activity. TDEE is a key factor in developing your caloric needs in respect to your goals.
Yikes, this is a lot to swallow (pun intended). Don’t worry if this sounds complicated. If you want help with nutrition, we have certain trainers who can advise you. Century has the number One Rated Nutrition Software that makes all the calculations for you. It will determine both your caloric and macronutrient needs in an easy to understand format, as well as provides meal plan that are personalized to your needs and style of eating such as low carb, paleo, women’s health, heart healthy, etc. It even gives you a shopping list! The program starts at only $28 per half hour session!
Metabolism Fun Facts:
- Skinny people with very little muscle have a “smaller” metabolism (small fire), large people have a “larger” metabolism (large fire), and fit, lean people with more than average muscle mass also have a “larger” metabolism (nice fire!)
- As we age our metabolism decreases, sometimes due to typical muscle mass loss and less activity… (get out that time machine!)
- Metabolic Rate will increase with growth of lean muscle mass
- Crash, starvation and most fad diets will not increase your metabolism
- Most supplements have little effect on increasing your metabolism and may have undesirable side-effects – so buyer beware
This article is intended to provide general knowledge of health and fitness principles and should not be taken as medical advice or used to diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Always consult your doctor or licensed healthcare provider for personalized advice on diet and exercise.
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