You might have seen our recent post on social media previewing our exciting new HIIT Zone, which is coming soon. Here are some quick facts about how HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is beneficial and how our HIIT Zone will work:

HIIT Training

  • HIIT has been studied to give the highest rate of post exercise “metabolism boost” for burning more calories faster.
  • This form of training involves bursts of maximal effort followed by a quick recovery.
  • Most efficient way to substantially increase VO2MAX, which is one’s ability to consume oxygen.
  • Concentration, technique and proper form is paramount for safe and effective results.
  • Taking on a new challenge wakes up your body to effectuate new results.
  • HIIT is over with faster than a typical full body workout, or steady state cardio, leaving you time for other activities here at the club.
  • Utilizing a personal trainer for this style of workout is a great option!

The Century Fitness HIIT ZONE

  • Any member can take advantage of this type of workout at their own level.
  • We will offer extra assistance and initial free training once we kick off the new program.
  • The zone will be timed in a manner to create the best workout.
  • The workout is organized for you.
  • Special new equipment has been purchased specifically for this zone.
  • Instructional placards will define the basic form at each station and also give options or progressions.

This is exciting… and we are certain it will be a big HIIT!